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Monday, April 23, 2007


Elizabeth Hope
2 Weeks

It was a quiet weekend at the Freeman home. Thomas went off to Scottsboro to hang out with my parents and camp out some more. Joshua and Sarah Grace headed out to Cullman to get some things done there. Which left me and Baby Elizabeth. To sleep in. And we did.

Good thing, too. Since she didn't bother with the sleeping bit Friday night...

On brighter notes...Joshua and Sarah Grace came in Saturday night, bringing with them a real grill! Oh, happy day. When Joshua and I first got married, we lived in an apartment with no room for a grill (plus, it was against the rules to grill anywhere but in the 2 square feet on grounds they had set up for it at this particular complex...). So, we made do with a tiny little camping grill. Really, about one foot by one foot. Tough stuff when you invite folks over to grill...

Sarah Grace and Elizabeth.

But now, we have a monster grill. I can taste summer. Yum! I like me some grilled food stuffs.
Sunday night, the girls got the giggles and allowed us to take pictures of them. Aren't they adorable? We sure did miss their brother, Thomas, though I am sure he was to busy camping to think about us all that much. *grin* Fun stuff for a two year old. I do have a super sweet picture of him taking good care of Elizabeth, however. Thought I would share.

Thomas caring for Elizabeth.

And that, dear friends, is all the brain power I have for now. Not the most literary competent post I have written, but at least the pictures are cute!