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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Pics of My Peeps

My stupefied excitement is still in full swing about my Oh-So-Quickly-Coming trip to BlissDom (my heart pitters a bit faster just thinking about it!!)!!! I am listing and working on odd projects just to keep my mind busy and not counting down the very seconds until I am in the lovely Opryland Hotel partying learning new stuff with my favorite bloggers!

However, excited as I am, I am leaving my favorite people for four-ish days. My Way Awesome People. I don't think I have ever been away from my husband and children for more than a night. I have just a bit of panic over this! What will they do without me I ever do without them??

With that in mind, there are some hilarious and fresh pictures coming to the blog the next couple of days. So I can pull up my Favorite Faces when I need to see them.

Oh, and show them off to all my new Blissdom Buddies!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I wore that same outfit yesterday! :)

So cute! I hope you have a blast at Blissdom!