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Friday, July 24, 2009

Life Is Good

I have been sitting here watching an episode of House. A particularly heart wrenching one. It's about babies. And since it's House...well, I don't need to elaborate. Leave it at I have been here in tears off and on through out the show.

I kept telling myself to turn off the television, but it seems I needed a reason to cry. It's not been a bad day. A noisy one, thanks to the overly rambunctious Munchkin Brigade, but not bad. I just needed a bit of a cry.

I should have watched A Walk In The sick baby stuff in that one. Just some good tears. Watching House, though, made me realize how very good my life is. A Walk In The Clouds would never have done that.

But there is this baby sitting with her Daddy, making sweet and excited sounds. She is getting better at the crawling almost by the hour, and with her new found mobility, finds more things to explore. I turned my back on her for almost a whole minute yesterday. When I looked back over at her, she had a blue streak from her mouth to her ear. No evidence as to what it might have been, but I suspect she found a bit of crayon.

Then there is that boy of ours. His personality is developing and his vocabulary is expanding. It cracks me up to hear him try out a new word. Sometimes he uses those new words in the right way, but more often than not, he just spices up his descriptions with words that come out of the blue. My favorites, though, are the ones he makes up. He tells me almost daily, 'I mooked my bed up.' I would correct him, but no. I am enjoying it while it lasts. Then there is 'oscilly' which he made up and Sarah Grace adopted. The way they use it leads us to believe they mean 'actually'. I have corrected him more than once, but it's in one ear and out the other.

My teacher skills astound me. I correct, they don't believe me. I don't correct because I think it's cute.

Elizabeth is coming on up towards potty training time. We have made a few stabs at it, but since I really didn't put much effort into potty training the others, I don't know what to do. I will probably continue to stick to the 'whenever the kid is read' mentality. My personality can't take much blood pressure elevation before my mouth gets sassy.

Ah, but let's not go there. This is about my cutie patootie kids.

Elizabeth is a ham. I have said it before and I will say it again (and probably many more times to come...just check back): That girl is my Sunshine. She is mischievous as all get out, wears her emotions on her sleeve, and lives to make people smile.

She crawled up into bed with me this morning and snuggled right against me and promptly fell asleep. It was peaceful.

That may have been the only peaceful moment of the entire morning...

Then my Sarah Grace. She talks a mile a minute (possibly more, but just how is that measured, anyway?) She is my helper. Where ever I am and what ever I am up to, she offers assistance. She takes such pleasure in being given tasks, and is proving more capable every day. She is a klutz, thus erasing any doubt that she does have some of me in her after all. She is sweet and caring and thoughtful. She is meticulous, artsy, and brave, and works so hard to please me. She invited me to her birthday party yesterday.

It's nice to know I'm wanted.

And my husband? That man, he is my sweetheart. My best friend. And my hero.

So, I dried my tears and praised my Savior for this good life of mine.